Saturday, November 13, 2010

Scope no. 1 : Discovering Things...

It all seems when you get older, you are anxious about at all things. You are very eager to learn some stuffs here in this world. Change is beginning to happen, events that are unexpected and some stuffs we are experiencing that are very new to us, don't get me started on puberty. This scope that I wrote today is about discovering things, not just common things, but things that go way deep in our understanding. Things like paranormal, unnatural or just things that we are too blind to see. I would like t discover those things, I would want to go deep beyond a human being's understanding.
I want to change the world for what I have done. But to become a hero or a legends pays a price. This price is much much more harder than you imagine. It starts with yourself. I know maybe some people wanted the same thing I do, to become a legend. I would remind you this, hero's, legends and wise people like Albert Einstein took a lot of pain in their life even though we didn't noticed that. We would have to sacrifice ourselves to make our dreams come true. And as I said earlier it's starts from oneself, it always starts from you... And each one of us hold the conclusion to each of our story... Make A choice, Be A legend... for I will be a legend.